2008 Titles
Dogwoods XXIV KT of Golock MH WCX OD “Nugget” owned by Deborah Blackwell
Outstanding Dam
Goldenloch Feel A Party Coming On SH WC “Party” owned by Deborah Blackwell
Senior Hunter
Working Certificate
Goldenloch Crystal Rose JH WC “Crystal” owned by Deborah Blackwell
Junior Hunter
Working Certficate
Goldenloch’s Run’N Crockett MH WCX *** “Crockett”
owned by Marlene Walden and Mary Tatum
*** Qualified All Age
Goldenloch Make My Day In Texas JH “Harry” owned by Liby Messler
Junior Hunter
Goldenloch Trip the Light Fantastic WC “Trip” owned by Sionag Black
Working Certificate
Goldenloch Maximum Opportunity CD SH WC “Chance”
owned by Bob and Cherie Malone
Senior Hunter
Companion Dog
Goldenloch Against the Wind SH OA OAJ “Seger” owned by Dawn Parison
Senior Hunter
Novice Agility
Novice Agility Jumper
Open Agility
Open Agility Jumper
UH SHR Goldenloch Prince of the Marsh JH WC “Drake” owned by Steve Stauner
Junior Hunter
Upland Hunter
Started Hunting Retriever
Goldenloch Red Desert Boulder JH WC “Boulder” owned by Sue Bacho
Junior Hunter
Working Certificate
Goldenloch Licensed to Fly WC “Pilot” owned by Susan Kluesner
Working Certificate
Goldenloch Glnbr Red Dirt Girl JH NAJ CCA WC “Emmylou” owned by Deb Stoll
Novice Agility Jumper
Goldenloch Operation Freedom CD “Libby” owned by Leah Smith
Companion Dog
Goldenloch Hunt ‘Em Up Hank JH “Hank” owned by Ryan Hoytink
Junior Hunter
Goldenloch Sir Winston Johnson JH “Winston” owned by Logan Johnson
Junior Hunter